Young at heart

BELGRAVE needs more things for young people.
That’s the word from residents who were asked the best and worst part of their town by consultants from the Metropolitan Planning Strategy.
The consultation team, acting on behalf of the State Government, was in Belgrave to hear residents’ views about planning for Melbourne’s future.
Their “vox pop” style interviews found that the people of Belgrave value the eclectic mix of friendly people and a sense of community in the area.
They suggest there are good community services and events and value the café and small business culture in the town.
But most said there needed to be more services and entertainment for young people.
The townsfolk interviewed were divided about the future of housing.
Some suggested Melbourne could expand in all directions except the east, others suggested the future housing focus should be in regional centres.
Chair of the Melbourne Planning Strategy ministerial advisory committee, Roz Hansen said it was great for the consulting team to get out to Belgrave and get an idea of what residents wanted and valued.“These are great messages to hear, but the divergence of opinion shows that we have a hard task ahead of us,” Ms Hansen said.
“The MAC will listen to all views and given the diversity expressed in just one day, there will have to be compromises.
“Melbourne is growing and for Melbourne to remain one of the world’s most liveable cities, that growth has to be managed.”
Do you agree? What do you think Belgrave needs for young people? Email