CFA bags eight awards


EMERALD Community House and CFA have been recognised for their efforts in preparing the town for the bushfire season.
The annual Fire Awareness Awards celebrate a variety of projects that reduce the effect of fires in Victoria.
Held in Melbourne on Friday 5 December, CFA Chief Officer Euan Ferguson said that it was pleasing to see the hard work of CFA members across the state rewarded.
“Overall, CFA groups received eight awards on the night including some which were partnerships with other local organisations.
“These awards are a representation of the dedication and innovation demonstrated by our members across the state.”
The awards celebrate projects that focus on any type of fire, including structural fires and bushfires.
Emerald Community House and Emerald CFA Brigade were the major winners on the night, taking out the Community Preparedness Award for bushfire planning workshops designed for childcare parents.
Mr Ferguson said the project provided vital information for parents in case of a bushfire.
“The group developed compulsory fire safety workshops for the parents of children attending a local childcare centre.
“This project will help to educate locals on their fire risk, and give them essential tools to help protect themselves in the event of fire.”
The Fire Awareness Awards are a joint initiative of the MFB, CFA and DEPI. The community groups also took home the $10,000 RACV Insurance Award for Excellence.