Green message rocks Eisteddfod Challenge

By Tania Martin
FOOTHILLS students have taken a powerful message about global warming and put it in the spotlight.
The after-effects of global warming are something few want to think about but not Fairhills High School students.
They took a risk, put it in the spotlight, and took home the golden prize, the 2008 Rock Eisteddfod Premier Division title.
Their performance, Oceania, looks at a future that everyone knows is coming but fears. It shows the after effects of global warming and a world that has too much water.
Fairhills director Anita Chipman said the students were over the moon with the win.
Ms Chipman said it was important because of the message the students where trying to convey. “Everyone is ecstatic,” she said.
Event manager Mikaela Dockrill commended Fair-hills for using their performance to convey an important yet relevant message.
“Rock Eisteddfod Challenge is about taking students’ learning outside the traditional classroom into an environment they find engaging and enjoyable,” she said.
“Not only did their performance put the issue of global warming in the spotlight, it also was entertaining, polished and professional.”
Ms Chipman said this was the second time in three years that the school has taken out the premier division title.
But she said it wasn’t just about the 110 students involved in the production but the whole school community.
Ms Chipman said parents, teachers and students put in hundreds of hours working on routines, choreography, costumes and make-up.
“It was a whole community effort…everyone did an outstanding job,” she said.