Let the kids come

LITTLE Alberts Childcare Centre is a new purpose-built childcare centre situated at 166 Albert Avenue, Boronia, near Alchester Shopping Village. The centre officially opened in May.
Proprietor Linda Pettigrew has had significant experience in running childcare centres and a previous background in nursing, midwifery and also maternal and child health.
Catering for littlies from six weeks to two years, the nursery consists of three rooms, two play areas and a separate sleep area.
The toddlers’ area for two to three year olds consists of two rooms and the three to four-year old room offers the Junior Kindergarten program.
An official pre-school program is run in a separate room for four to five years olds.
Linda said the educational programs are structured for the differing age groups attending the centre in consultation with the parents.
“Parents can contact the centre via the website and download information as required about the pertinent rooms they may be interested in,” she said.
The Little Alberts Childcare Centre website is at www.littlealberts.com.au
All inquiries are welcome to Linda Pettigrew or director Barbra Vernon on 9761 0022, 9761 2604 or mobile 0448 399 221.