Puppies aid research

PINK puppies are cute and represent a cause close to many: breast cancer.
Monbulk’s Sherree Creek will sell them at a Pink Ribbon brunch on Saturday.
For Mrs Creek the cause is close to her heart, her mother, an aunt, sister and cousin all having battled breast cancer.
She says the brunch was more than just raising cash for cancer research.
“The money is secondary to raising awareness,” she said.
Mrs Creek first became involved in the fundraiser when her sister was diagnosed three years ago. Since she first started the program, she has raised more than $9500.
This year she will be selling the pink and fluffy puppies, necklaces, pens, T-shirts and plants. Food will be available and a sausage sizzle.
“It’s an opportunity for women, men and their families to share stories with others and for us to show our support to those who have been touched by breast cancer,” Mrs Creek said.
The brunch will be at Monbulk Primary School in the McAllister Hall, Moores Road, from 10am.