State study funds come too late to help shire planning

By Casey Neill
STATE Government funding for a Belgrave planning study has come too late. Monbulk MP James Merlino and Gembrook MP Tammy Lobato last Thursday pledged $132,000 for a plan to improve Belgrave’s traffic and parking issues.
Mr Merlino said the cash would help the Shire of Yarra Ranges guide growth in the township.
But Lyster Ward councillor Samantha Dunn said a $125,000 shire-funded study was already well underway.
“We don’t actually need money for the study,” she said.
“I’d rather see that money for building.”
During the 2006 election campaign, Belgrave Traders Association proposed a feasibility study to address pedestrian safety, public transport, parking and traffic. Mr Merlino and Ms Lobato announced a re-elected Labor Government would match any shire commitment to such a study.
The council set aside $125,000 in its 2007-08 budget and applied for Creating Better Places funding. However its two applications were rejected because Belgrave was not considered a major activity centre.
“It was impossible to access funds at the time we needed to,” Cr Dunn said.
“It would now be a better use of the money to build some of the outcomes.”
Cr Dunn will speak to Mr Merlino and Ms Lobato to find out if there would be a second, State Government conducted study, or if the council could use the funds for infrastructure following its study. The Mail contacted Mr Merlino but did not receive a response before going to print.