Goodbye from Gembrook MP Brad Battin

Gembrook MP Brad Battin. Picture: ON FILE

By Brad Battin

As I write my final State of Affairs column, I am saddened that I will no longer get to represent your amazing communities.

At the risk of missing people names I would like to thank a few people in the local area who I know have and continue to make a difference.

Paul and Jodi Yandle and the Emerald CFA team, Paul as a long-term CFA captain and Jodi in her peer support role made a real difference, and still do – Thank you.

Ben Owen and the Emerald SES, it was a pleasure to work with Ben and his team to see the delivery of the new unit, something all of Emerald can be proud – Thank you.

Jarryd, Shane, Glenn and all the team at Clematis CFA, you always supported and welcomed Jo and I into your family – Thank You.

Marcus Adams, you and your family have always given back to the community. It was a great loss to the community when we lost Chris earlier this year. The Adams family – Thank you.

To the Emerald, Cockatoo and Gembrook RSLs, football clubs, netball clubs, community groups and all I met along the way – Thank you.

Finally, as former Deputy Premier James Merlino retires and with a change of electorate boundaries, a new person will represent the area. To James, thank you for your service to the community, we sat opposite on many things, but I wish you all the best in retirement.

To my friend who is replacing me as the Liberal Candidate, Gareth Ward, I wish you all the best. This area is amazing and unique, I know as a local you will treat it with respect and work hard for the community if elected.