Garden grant up for grabs

GRANTS for schools and youth groups to create bush tucker gardens, water-wise gardens or vegie gardens are now available.
Inga Peulich, State Member for South Eastern Metropolitan Region, said young people participating in Landcare projects would be eligible for funding under the junior Landcare Grants Program.
“The grants provide funds for any school or organisation that would like to involve their students in projects in conjunction with local Landacre groups,” Ms Peulich said.
There are two grants currently open for schools and youth groups to undertake environmentally friendly initiatives in their community.
The Coles Junior Landcare School Garden Grant 2001 provides school garden grants of up to $1000 to schools and youth groups to help create gardens in their grounds or community, such as bush tucker gardens, water wise gardens or vegie gardens.
“These programs encourage students to learn about the environment through outdoor learning and interaction in developing their own school gardens,” Ms Peulich said. The second grant is the Yates School Environmental Management Planning Grant (SEMP), to help students produce a plan for sustainable environmental practices.
Projects range from developing a SEMP for the school or identifying and projecting singnificant natural assets, to implementing actions from an existing SEMP for example, carrying out energy, waste and water audits.
Further information on the grants can be found at