I am writing about “Those Blokes”!
Sorry gals – I acknowledge you are gradually infiltrating that ”enclave”- good luck and well done.
However at some time, most of us have had dealings with this cohort of predominantly male fellas when we need advice/help on things that “go wrong” or require their “yeah can do” attitude.
Easily recognised-light coloured shorts in all weather, work boots with good socks, a well worn T shirt, maybe a footy or fishing cap, a commonly used spiral writing pad and a Biro, plus driving an enviable Ute/SUV- which is tax deductible, great for work and adaptable should an opportunity to cater for camping if required.
Good blokes, love a chat, but usually they have a mean eye on what the consumers can and will pay.
Always with a well informed idea of what is needed, they are well trained, capable, switched on as to “how to earn an extra quid” and available unless the consumer is a tad unappreciative and how much profit they think they are entitled to-sorry guys!
Ya Gotta love ’em!!
But when push came to shove – as happened on Tuesday 13 February about 3.30pm – when a unexpectedly severe and damaging storm hit our Dandenong Ranges and far belong – who were the ones who pulled up, maybe on their way home or to collect their kids from school, but pulled up, jumped out of their cars and combined without any hassle – to work with other tradies to clear trees from the many and dangerously impacted roads.
With no Bull***t— nor need for acknowledgement!
When having completed their voluntary task – they just got into their utes, cars and SUV’s and proceeded on their journey.
I along with many other people, thank them for their help, their endeavours, and their preparedness to just “jump in” when needed with good humour and the capacity to work with other like minded blokes -who adopted a ”can-do” mind set and helped to resolve a dangerous situation.
Thank you guys – as a community – we owe you!
A big acknowledgement to all the other people who give of their time and skills in times of emergency – a big thank you – you are much appreciated.
But to the tradies – basically trained via the Tech School Education system – and maybe a tad of help from further studies, ta muchly.
Ya Gotta Love Em.
L Atherton