What to expect in a natural medicine medicine consultation

More and more people are looking to natural alternatives nowadays to stay healthy. (File: 418469)

By Tim Howden

Naturopathic medicine is founded on the premise that there is an underlying vital force in our bodies that orchestrates balance, harmony and function.

This innate intelligence involves a complex array of communication systems to self regulate and repair as well as resolve immune challenges.

More and more people are looking to natural alternatives nowadays.

Sometimes a stand alone alternative is sufficient whether it be a herbal mix, nutritional formula, change of diet or environmental assessment of their home.

In more common scenarios, a blended approach of integration with allopathic and complementary medicine gives excellent outcomes.

In reality significant numbers of Australians live daily with chronic disease.

In some cases there are multiple conditions.

This can be most distressing and cause much suffering but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Many conditions improve with a integrative approach.

One of natural medicine strengths lies in its ability to recognise people as individuals rather than a diagnosis.

People with stories and significant past events that have impacted their present health condition.

If you are struggling to achieve good health outcomes and have not considered a more holistic approach, it may interest you to broaden the horizon.

A skilled and degree qualified practitioner will always have a methodical Patient centred approach and utilise the tools within their training to ease suffering and improve outcomes.

And always, with out causing harm.

Be well.