Race day red girl

MOUNT Evelyn’s very own fashionista is taking the racing world by storm – one competition at a time.
Brooke Walter, who is a biomedical science student and part-time model, recently returned from the Oakbank Easter Races in Adelaide with a first place ranking in the fashion stakes.
The 18-year-old won the judges over with a classic Sarah Jessica-Parker inspired red dress, gloves, a chain of pearls and a fancy hat that she bought in New Zealand.
Ms Walter said she, her mum Kerrie and 21-year-old sister Nicole travelled to South Australia for a week during her university break to enter the competition, which she did not expect to win.
“It was a very tough competition and it was freezing that day but it was great to be able to win,” she said.
Her sister Nicole won third place in the same event.
Taking part in the fashion competitions is very much a family affair, and Ms Walter admitted she didn’t do much of the shopping herself.
“Dad’s the bank, mum’s the shopper and Nicole’s the dresser,” she said.
“I rarely go out and get my clothes, mum and Nicole have my measurements and I normally try on what they bring back because I need to study.”
They have a collection of close to 40 hats, which her mum Kerrie said averaged about $500 each.
Among her colourful list of achievements include Miss Emirates Stakes when she was 15 and 17 and judging in the competition when she was 16, as well as first place rankings in competitions around Victoria and interstate.
Ms Walter hoped to be able to compete in Miss Teen Australia in the future and said she would continue to enter in the race day fashion competitions
She predicted pastels and neons will be a highlight in the fashion stakes this year.
“I think we might go for a baby blue themed outfit or neon yellow.”
Ms Walter will be back in South Australia to compete in the Fashion at The Races final during South Australia Derby Day in May.