Kindy kids size up school

TINY Olinda Primary School has a big idea for smoothing the transition from kinder to prep.
Teacher Cornelia Sheeran last year developed a program that saw preschoolers spend two hours at the school every Thursday during terms three and four.
The program received such positive feedback from parents that it’s back again this year and looks set to stay.
Principal Penne Dayley said the kinder kids participated in a range of hands-on activities designed to complement the preschool programs they were already involved in to prepare them for primary school.
When the Mail stopped by they were completing a science experiment in the kitchen – mixing food colours to ice cup cakes.
They also act out stories using hand puppets, do drawing and art activities, try their hand at construction with wooden and plastic blocks, spend time in the sandpit, check out what the older kids are up to, and even have a game of chess.
“There are a couple of keen preschoolers so we make sure we always have the boards out,” Ms Dayley said. “They’re pretty good, too!”
She said their time at Olinda was all about building communication and fine motor skills, confidence, and a positive attitude to learning.
“It’s very good preparation,” Ms Dayley said.
The program isn’t compulsory for future Olinda Primary School students and is open to any child.
“It is pleasing that the majority enrol here,” she said. “It certainly has increased the prep enrolments for this year and next year.
“The children love it. They don’t want to go home!”