New Belgrave playgroup open to all

A new Wednesday morning playgroup will be held at Belgrave Lake Park Cottage. PICTURE: UNSPLASH

The Belgrave Lake Park Cottage Playgroup is launching on Wednesday 27 April.

The launch will run from 10am to 12pm and allows attendees to decide if they would like to join the Wednesday morning gatherings at Belgrave Lake Park Cottage.

Snacks, fruit, tea and coffee will be available with face painting, play areas and a playdough station for children.

The Belgrave Lake Park Cottage has been set up especially for babies, toddlers and pre-school children and is located next to Belgrave Lake Park.

The Cottage is run by a committee of volunteers who attend playgroups themselves, with two daily sessions of playgroup on offer depending on demand, special events like first aid courses and cottage hire on weekends for children’s parties also accessible.

The playgroup is open to everyone, and you can reach the organisers through email at, their phone number on 0401 087 085, or find more information at their website