Olinda artist puts painting up for sale for 250,000 dogecoin

Jacob Arnold's painting Super is up for 250,000 dogecoin. Picture: SUPPLIED

By Parker McKenzie

An artist from Olinda has made the decision to sell him art at a Monbulk Café using cryptocurrency, a first for him personally.

Artist Jacob Arnold said Dougecoin Foundation product lead Tim Stebbing inspired him to make the decision to sell his art using cryptocurrency.

“It’s the first time ever I’m involved with any sort of technology of this nature,” he said.

“I think it’s a very good platform to be working with, with the right guidance of people that can support you in that process.”

His superhero painting is currently for sale at Empire Bean in Monbulk for 250,000 Dogecoin, which is the equivalent of $22493 AUD as of Thursday 14 July.

Mr Arnold said it’s been a great education for himself on cryptocurrency, as well as for others in the Hills community.

“It’s been quite amazing. People are getting educated on that platform by asking questions of how do you how can I purchase something of that nature of what is Dogecoin? How do you transfer that from cash to Dogecoin?” he said.

“It’s sort of a learning experience for the public as well. I think it’s been a really good educational tool for people that are new in this area.”

Aside from his art, Mr Arnold is also an alcohol and substance abuse therapist.

Mr Arnold, who also paints murals around the community, said he hopes the project can help educate people to use different platforms to spread their message.

“Whether that’s a business platform, whether it’s buying a coffee or buying small groceries,” he said.

“The understanding I got was it encourages people to be more in control of their own finances than relying on banks to support you in that process.”