4 tips for the best Christmas grocery shopping experience


Are you hosting Christmas this year? Or have you been asked to bring a plate or two? Trying to avoid going to the shops as much as possible? You’re definitely not alone there, with Melton and Moorabool residents preparing for Christmas day this week.

Follow these tips to help make the experience as smooth as possible.

1. Plan ahead

Sit down and write out the dishes you’ll be making. Under each dish write down every ingredient you need, whether you have it or not. Then, using highlighters or coloured pens, colour the items you already have and in a different colour, any crossover items. Then, write your shopping list in categories of where they are in the shop.

2. Order ahead

For items like turkeys and prawns, it’s a good idea to pre-order from your local butcher or seafood shop to pick up on Christmas Eve.

3. Get items early that won’t spoil

Figure out a night this week you can get to the shops to get everything you will need that won’t spoil or that you can easily freeze. Foods like canned goods, spices, dairy, confectionery, drinks, frozen berries etc.

4. Brave the shops on Christmas Eve

It might be hectic, but it’ll be worth it to serve the freshest dishes. You’ll only need to pick up fruit, vegetables and meat (if you didn’t already). And you have your very organised list to help you get out as quickly as you got in.

Then you can sit back and relax before the mayhem of Christmas day!

Alternatively, if you want to save the hassle, decide to have something different than a traditional Christmas meal! The possibilities are endless.