By Parker McKenzie
Ferntree Gully-based singer and songwriter Kitty Rae is fresh off making the semi-finals of the International Songwriting Competition, an annual contest providing aspiring and established songwriters with the opportunity to have their music heard.
The self-described “dark electro-pop” artist told the Star Mail she had been pursuing music in university before “starting to write with purpose” in 2020.
“It’s emotionally charged, beat-driven music that people can enjoy, have a dance to but really connect with emotionally,” Rae said.
“That’s what I’m about. A lot of my inspiration comes from experience with mental health and well-being, and it is something I’m passionate about talking about.”
Rae said music has been a form of therapy for her, where she is able to express herself and articulate things that she didn’t realise needed to be talked about.
“Everything in life in inspirational and some of my songs I’ve written about relationships, things I’ve seen on reality TV shows or anything like that,” they said.
“Swim with Sharks, I wrote about the situation of moving. I’m originally from the country, out from Baccus Marsh — out west — and I moved from there to the east to study.”
She said her partner, who produces her music, entered the song in the competition and she was stoked to see it be judged so highly.
“I’d been told all through life that I had to be ready for a cutthroat world and it was going to be very competitive and you have to really fight to succeed, it did feel cold when I got there,” they said.
“It really felt like being dropped in the middle of the ocean without a life ring, and it took me a while but I eventually learned that I don’t have to become cutthroat or feel like I have to fight or cut people down to be successful.”
Rae has performed at Moombo, Brunswick Music Festival and Summerwave, and said her next single, Sick of Being Sad, will be released on April 28.
“It’s the first song from my debut album, which will come out later this year,” Rae said.
“I really want to build a sustainable, impactful career and I feel really good about 2023. I’m excited to share it.”