What’s We Come With This Place about?
We Come With This Place by Debra Dank is what she describes as “a strange kind of letter, written to my place.”
It is set on Gudanji Country in the NT/Mt Isa and is a collection of memoirs.
Debra is an amazing truth teller, penning many stories of connection to her Country with family, and reflects on the importance of belonging.
There are also threads of lived experience facing racism and adversity, and overcoming this through strength of ancestry.
Do you like to read when you are on holiday?
I aspire to read books, but don’t always end up doing it! I have so many council reports and emails to read, I tire out. (Although, I did read my last book during a flight to QLD!)
Do you have a favourite book of all time?
Not specifically. I think that as you grow through key life stages, the faves can change. I still, however, remember the Enid Blyton books so vividly since childhood.
What is the next book you are going to read?
I’m about to acquire some young goats – I think I’ll have to find a book on how to keep them on the property and out of the veggie gardens!