BELGRAVE South Primary School students will introduce audiences to Cinderella’s long-lost twin brother next month.
The students will take centre stage on Tuesday 14 October with Twinderella: The Musical.
Teacher Meredith Pocklington said the play was about Cinderella’s long-lost twin brother, Bob, who lives in the kingdom of Wychwoo-under-ooze and has his own wicked step-family.
The show features Cinderella’s fairy godmother, Bob’s godfather and two enchanted gerbils that help Cinderella and Bob sneak into the royal festivities of their choice.
It’s an action-packed script full of surprises including a baseball bat toting Cinderella, a royal birthday gala and an all-kingdom baseball match.
The climax doesn’t disappoint with a final chase with a twist.
“When the two strangers disappear at midnight, the search is on for the feet that fit the glass slipper and the muddy cleat, Ms Pocklington said.
All 54 grade six students will perform at the Cardinia Council Cultural Centre on 14 and 15 October following a term of busy rehearsals. For bookings phone 9754 2505.