Minds set for art space

Amy Bilton took her photograph on a family holiday. 23150Amy Bilton took her photograph on a family holiday. 23150

By Casey Neill
AN UPLIFTING exhibition at Burrinja aims to show a positive side of mental health.
State of Mind – The Sunny Side of Mental Health showcases photographs from Yarra Ranges artists aged between 12 and 25.
Members of the Shire of Yarra Ranges Youth Services programs Paying Attention to Self (PATS) and Traction suggested the exhibition, which coincides with Mental Health Week.
PATS assists young people who have a parent with a mental illness while Traction is for teens and young adults with a mental health issue.
Belgrave’s Aaron Solomon, 20, was diagnosed with clinical depression five years ago.
“It basically changed everything about my life,” he said, “how I lived it, how I related to other people, so it’s really affected me deeply.”
Aaron said meeting other sufferers through Traction has helped him become a more complete person.
Art has also been important.
“It’s a great way to express yourself and help you come to terms with your problems,” he said.
Aaron took and edited two photographs to create his work called Redemption.
“The theme I was working with was the way a person seeks help for their mental problems in much the same way as a sinner seeks absolution,” he said.
Mater Christi student Amy Bilton, 18, took her photograph on a family holiday.
“It was sort of a spur of the moment thing,” she said.
“It was just such a beautiful sunset.”
Her mother was diagnosed with depression almost four years ago.
Amy said PATS has been a great support for the Kallista teen and her family.
“They’ve built my self confidence and given me lots of opportunities for leadership,” Amy said.
Belgrave’s Cassie Ryan, 20, suffers from anxiety and depression.
Traction has helped her cope with the illness.
“It’s quite useful to get out twice a week and socialise and get out of your head when you need to, which is really good,” she said.
Her photograph Glitter is the first she has displayed.
“I was trying to convey beauty simply, and the most simple things are quite beautiful,” Cassie said.
Glitter and 34 other works will be displayed at Burrinja Gallery, 351 Glenfern Road, Upwey, until Sunday 12 October.
More information on PATS or Traction is available by calling Shire of Yarra Ranges Youth Services on 9294 6716 or sending an email to youthservices-@yarraranges.vic.gov.au.