Practice made perfect

LAP Surgery Australia was founded in 1987 by Richard Gilhome and Ray McHenry who have since been joined by Chris Hensman and David Scott.
These surgeons bring to the practice a vast experience in keyhole surgery for a range of procedures including laparoscopic gastric banding, laparoscopic hernia repair, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic anti-reflux and hiatus hernia repair and endoscopic carpal tunnel release as well as gastroscopy and colonoscopy.
The practice offers a comprehensive multi-disciplinary approach to patients’ needs and prides itself as a centre of excellence.
Other team members include the practice nurses, physicians, psychologists, a dietitian and a lap band coordinator.
Collectively they provide excellent patient care and support before and after surgery.
The surgeons agree that for patients with serious weight loss problems, the adjustable gastric band is the safest, most effective method of long-term weight loss.
“After surgery most people can expect to lose between 50 and 60 per cent of their excess weight and dramatically reduce the risk of other health problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even premature death,” they say.
The surgical procedure takes about an hour and the patient is in hospital for one or two nights returning to normal activities in seven to 10 days in most circumstances.
The patient and referring doctor are provided with phone assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Free information seminars are run monthly at local hospitals including Knox Private Hospital in Wantirna and The Valley Private Hospital in Mulgrave.
Phone Lap Surgery Australia on 9210 7727 to speak to one of the friendly dedicated team members or visit the website