Field day was big hit

THE Wandin Silvan Field Days had plenty of grunt for everyone to enjoy.
The two-day event roped in a record crowd of more than 4000 people last Friday and Saturday.
Now in its 39th year, the field days featured a record 200 presenters and displays, which were up by 30 on last year.
The event puts local horticultural and agricultural producers in the spotlight.
This year also marked the second annual Ute Muster with a record 80 entrants.
Field days committee president Fred Cassidy said the event was a great success with plenty for everyone to do and see.
Mr Cassidy said there were heaps of kids and families at the event on Saturday.
The event was moved from its original Thursday and Friday slot to Friday and Saturday.
Mr Cassidy said the move proved to be popular not only with farmers but other patrons as well.