HALLAM Primary School recognised the commitment and contribution of a group of students during a badge presentation ceremony last week.
On 25 March, the school staff welcomed friends, family and community members into the school hall to honour the school captains, vice-captains, enviro leaders and student leadership team members, who were presented with new badges.
Leading teacher Melissa Gurtler said these students played an active and important role in the school and beyond, and had been elected by peers and staff based on their diligence, reliability and willingness to assist others.
The school also acknowledged many other senior students who held positions of responsibility within the school including flag, office, gate, roll and cashbook monitors.
“The willingness of students from the 5/6 learning centre to assume these responsibilities assists not only students’ development into independent learners who display initiative and excellent communication skills, but helps ensure the school runs smoothly and efficiently,” Ms Gurtler said.
School captains are Lisa Li and Korey Cooney McLean and school vice-captains are Itagia Amataga and Navarre Haisila.