Station to unfurl flag again

MONBULK police station is now proudly flying Victoria’s flag once again.
On 27 March the Mail reported that brazen thieves had stolen the station’s flag from its flagpole.
Sergeant Mark Knight normally took the flag in each evening, but was working at the Belgrave station when the theft took place, on the weekend of 17 and 18 March.
“They cut the rope and stole the flag,” he said.
“There are things you do in this world, and there are things you don’t do.
“It’s absolutely disgraceful behaviour.”
But on 30 March Monbulk MP James Merlino presented Sgt Knight with a replacement flag. He’d presented the original flag to the station late last year.
“I strongly support the wonderful work our police officers do and I am proud of their community contribution,” Mr Merlino said.
“I am happy to be able to assist them in any way I can.”