Teen blows the whistle

A MOUNT Evelyn teenager is making his mark in football after being selected to umpire at the School Sport Australia Football Championships.
Lucas Taylor, 16, has been umpiring for five years and is off to Adelaide for his second championship, after umpiring in Canberra last year.
And he needs about $1800 to get himself there.
He said he was very excited to be part of the action yet again this year and looked forward to learning a lot before coming back to Melbourne on Sunday.
“It’s just as exciting as last year, if not better, because we have more teams competing” he said.
“A lot of it is learning, about different experiences from interstate umpires, and I’m really looking forward to that.”
Lucas, who learnt how to umpire from his father, said he enjoyed it straightaway and hoped to take his skills further should opportunities arise.
“I wouldn’t mind going further, wherever it takes me,” he said.
“If umpiring for the AFL is possible, that would be great. I’m always open to different things.”
Lucas’ mother Susan said the family was very proud of his efforts, but were appealing for assistance from the community to fund his trip.
“This is a schools comp so there’s no AFL money – all umpires and players are self funded,” she said.
“We appreciate anyone who would help us by sponsoring him.”
Anyone who could sponsor Lucas can contact the Mail through emma.sun@yvnews.com.au