Team shows it’s tough – and muddy!

Steve Callinan of Emerald's Team Intensity stayed back to help fellow teammate Rosie Johnston in the Tough Mudder challenge.

EMERALD’S Team Intensity was once again the biggest team in Victoria for the Tough Mudder challenge last month.
The team of 67 members fought their way through the 20 kilometre course, facing 22 obstacles including an ice bath, underwater tunnels, a mud pit, electroshock therapy and a five metre jump into deep water over the weekend of 19-20 January.
Led by burpee queen Julie ‘Hoffy’ Hoffman, the team’s spirit never wavered and everyone completed the race, their once bright yellow tops a murky tribute to the course.
Members ranged from 18 to 58 years old.
Hoffy said she was very proud of all involved.
“We help each other over, under, through and off every obstacle and no-one gets left behind,” she said.
Hoffy said some members liked to break away and challenge themselves to finish the course as fast as they could, others were happy to stay behind and help out.
“Our first group did it in around two hours and 45 minutes and our last lot crossed the finish line in around five hours,” she said.
“We didn’t go in it to be the fastest or the best, we went in it to show ourselves that anything is possible if you have a goal and keep chippin’ away towards it.
“Steve Callinan, one of our members, could have finished Mudder in that first group but chose to stay back and make sure every one of his team mates were OK.
“A few of the guys in our team are happy to hang back and help and I think they get as much out of helping as they do finishing.”
She said it was a great day for everyone involved.