Real fun on synthetic field

Freya from Monbulk ready for action in the round robin match-ups 100770

Youngsters took to the Monbulk Rangers Soccer Club’s synthetic soccer pitch at a recent round robin ‘friendly’ event.
The day included soccer based activities, giveaways and a family sausage sizzle and encouraged everyone to get involved.
Bryn, Freya and Ben were just some of the many budding stars to get play on the day, all kicking a goal for their respective teams.
Not limited to cheering from the sidelines, parents were actively part of the afternoon’s events and played alongside their kids.
The event was run in conjunction with Access for All Abilities and provided an inclusive opportunity for all primary school children within Monbulk to come together and play the world game.
These events aim to embody fair play, sportsmanship and provide a fun and engaging way to get kids onto the sporting field.