Sun will come up

Surprise surprise!!!….the sun came up in Tecoma on Tuesday in spite of Macca’s opening the previous day. Darkness did not descend, and all I saw was happy smiling families bringing back perhaps something positive to the locale. Yes of course there was some unruly behaviour from pockets on both sides, but generally the mood was festive. Now I don’t eat McDonalds, I was a fence sitter, but I did go and take a look inside the building. However, I found that I am not allowed to take that stand without some fallout. Some see that building as a Monstrosity, and believe it’s tragic for Tecoma. The real tragedy is not the building, or traffic issues (that may of may not add to an already congested road). It’s not the kids that might get fat because parents don’t know how to say NO, or the multitude of apparent other reasons, to numerous to mention. What is really tragic are the relationships and friendships that have been unnecessarily altered or lost. Macca’s will go on, and history will be the judge, but lives and connections have been changed forever.
As for those who have accused me of “Nailing my colours to the mast”…..well you can give me, my “live and let live” style of Democracy over yours anytime.

Michael Alexander Belgrave Drycleaners