Hopeless group helps raise hope

Singing duo "The Hopeless Romantics" performing at the event. 120954 Picture: KARLA SIMON-EMERY


A TOTAL of 150 residents came together last Thursday to raise funds for cancer research as part of the Cancer Council’s Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea.
Event organiser and Ferntree Gully Eastern Regional Library branch manager Denise Hibbs said more than $500 was raised at the event through gold coin donations, plant sales and a lucky door prize raffle.
“We’ve run it for quite a number of years, nearly eight, and it is a lovely community event that helps raise funds for a wonderful cause,” she said.
“People love coming to our morning tea, we have a lovely singing group called the Hopeless Romantics performing which was a much loved feature of the morning tea.”
Ms Hibbs said the Ferntree Gully Library was not just a library but an important part of the community where people came together and shared stories.
The Biggest Morning Tea is a fund-raising event with a focus on getting people together, sharing a cup of tea and helping those affected by cancer, with all monies raised going directly to cancer research.
Leading up to the event when inviting community members, Ms Hibbs said many shared their own cancer stories.
“This is a well-established cause and everyone enjoyed the friendly atmosphere,” she said.