Cave Hill concerns heard


DEVELOPMENT concerns regarding the proposed Cave Hill residential area in Lilydale have been raised with the Yarra Ranges Council ahead of its decision to approve the rezoning of the land.
Height restrictions, access to pathways, traffic congestion, privacy and wildlife habitat concerns topped the list of issues to be discussed in council before they go ahead with developing the southern end of the quarry site.
Locals concerned about their at-home privacy have suggested Cave Hill introduce covenants that restrict double-storey houses in the area, limit their proportion or create minimum distances between new and existing houses.
Traffic congestion was raised during the four-week consultation process, with many submitters asking that the residential area be developed alongside an upgrade to nearby roads and intersections to manage the increasing flow of traffic.
A voice of concern was also heard on behalf of indigenous wildlife such as eastern grey kangaroos, kookaburras, wedge-tailed eagles, owls and tiger snakes who have formed local habitats at the quarry site.
Stage one, bordered by Hull Road and the railway line, is intended to be an open space with low to medium housing density and shared paths for pedestrians and cyclists.
Contributions were collected from residents and organisations in Lilydale and neighbouring areas earlier in the year as part of Sibelco Australia’s third phase of development.
Yarra Ranges Council is due to consider the submissions on 9 September before the plan is forwarded to the Minister for Planning, responsible for rezoning the land from a Special Use Zone to a General Residential Zone before construction gets underway. At this stage, the stage one area of Cave Hill is intended to hold 147 new residential homes.