Checklist for safety


Residents who live on the edge of Melbourne near bush or grassland are at risk of fire this summer.
It’s up to them to understand the fire risk and know what to do if a fire starts nearby.
The action they should take if fire threatens depends on whether they live near the bush or next to grassland.
Residents can use the information below to identify the risk and members of the household should talk about what to do if a fire starts nearby this summer.

Do you live on the fenceline next to grassland?
If you live on a fenceline next to grassland and a grassfire starts, you need to quickly move one to two streets away from the fire.
Don’t wait to receive a warning before moving away from a grassfire.
Avoid driving in a grassfire because it will be smoky and hard to see, and traffic jams and accidents are likely.
Don’t try to get a closer look at a grassfire – you will put yourself and others in danger.
If you live next to grassland, you should have already cleared weeds, removed firewood and rubbish from around your property.
Do you live a street or more away from grassland?
If you don’t live directly next to grassland and a grassfire starts, it’s safer to stay where you are because it’s unlikely a fire will spread past the first row of houses.
It’s still important to clean up around your property by clearing weeds, removing firewood and rubbish from around your property.
Remember to stay off the roads, and don’t try to get a closer look at the grassfire.
Do you live next to bush?
If you live near bush, you could be at serious risk of fire or ember attack on Severe, Extreme and Code Red days.
Fire Danger Ratings help you decide when to leave by telling you how dangerous a fire would be if one started. As the ratings increase, so does your risk.
Check the ratings daily at
Talk to your household about when you’re going to leave and where you’ll go, so it’s easier for you to get out before a fire.
Remember, leaving early is the safest option to protect yourself and your family – leaving late means driving your family through smoke, fallen trees and powerlines, and facing the risk of being trapped or worse.
For more information on your fire risk this summer and how to stay safe, go to or call the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667.
If you have a hearing or speech impairment, contact the Victorian Bushfire Information Line (VBIL) via the National Relay Service on 1800 555 677.