Adjusting to rural life

The Small Farm and Lifestyle Expo will be held on 22-23 November at Phillip Island.

ARE you one of the many people who, frustrated with city chaos, have opted for a life in the country that’s a little kinder to your body and your soul?
Rural life is appealing, but has its challenges. If you’re stuck for answers, head to the inaugural Small Farm and Lifestyle Expo at the Phillip Island Grand Prix circuit on Saturday and Sunday, 22 and 23 November, from 9am-5pm.
The brainchild of the circuit managing director, Fergus Cameron who is a farmer in his “spare time”, the expo has attracted more than 100 exhibitors and speakers to enlighten inquiring minds on the tricks to ensure your calmer country life is not spent slaving with a pick and hoe!
“We put this expo together to basically enlighten tree and sea changers on the 1000 ways to do things better in the country!” said Cameron who, with his wife Chris, runs 150 breeding cows with calves on their farm.
“For instance, you buy a few acres. Summer is on its way and the grass is getting longer and drier. That grass becomes a fire hazard if you don’t get it under control, and your city-sized push mower designed to shear a postage stamp of grass, seizes on the spot when you hit your little field!”
Cameron says the answer to grass woes is to have the right equipment, whether it be a ride-on mower, a whipper snipper or a rotary hoe.
The Small Farm Expo will also have guests from Landcare speaking on sustainable farming together with a variety of other experts.
In need of some inspiration on how to earn a buck from your plot? Cameron says there’s lots of exhibitors in attendance who have established small businesses on their few acres including trees, berries, alpacas, olives and organic meat and are keen to share their knowledge.
The Small Farm Expo will be housed in the 2000 square metre pavilion usually used for motorsport expos with external sites featuring agricultural animal displays. A dedicated rough terrain area will allow for quad bikes, gators, ag bikes and 4WD vehicles to be put through their paces and a working farm area will showcase the latest farm machinery, tractors, slashers and ride-on mowers.
Keen to master rural life? Take some advice from locals happy to share their experience at the Small Farm and Lifestyle Expo at the Phillip Island Grand Prix circuit, Saturday and Sunday 22 and 23 November, from 9am-5pm. Adults $10 entry at the gate. Children 17 and under, and dogs (on a leash) are admitted free. For further information go to