Celebrations hit the mark

Monbulk MP James Merlino and Cr Noel Cliff celebrating the 120th anniversary with students. 131593


A DAY of Devonshire teas and history marked the 120th anniversary for Sassafras Primary School.
Built in 1894, Sassafras Primary School opened in a shed across the road but now 120 years on it is looking back at how times have changed.
The celebrations began with heaps of goodies like fairy floss, a barbecue and old-fashioned children’s games before taking a step back in time to look at memorabilia displays along the corridor walls.
A classroom went back in time with old desks with a cane, a chalk board, an old school bell and collection of letters and quotes from school staff and students dating back to 1984.
One of the buildings currently being used as a music room was one of the original buildings on the site.
Monbulk MP James Merlino and Yarra Ranges councillor Noel Cliff presented trees to the primary school.
Principal Cathy Jones said it was lovely to see people from different generations and past students visit.
“It was really nice to see people reunite with others who they haven’t seen in a while,” Ms Jones said.
There was also a presentation of a quilt that was made especially for the event as well as a book written by local resident Rowan Smith on the history of the school.
“We would just like to thank everyone for all of the work they have put in,” Ms Jones said.
“It was really special.”