The multiplier effect


THE game at Emerald Golf Club last Saturday was South African fourball. Played in pairs, the score on each hole is calculated by multiplying the two stableford points scores together.
The pairs were chosen and the contest began with Peter Glasscock (15) and Jeff Marsh (26) showing the other teams a clean pair of heels with some stunning golf. Their joint score or 92 points had them well out in front and smiling in the afterglow of a great score.
Steve Town (16) and Ross Martin (13) came in next with an excellent 84 points.
A countback had to be slapped across the next best totals with two teams on 83. Brian McCoy (31) and Mark Starick (11) won that contest. Because there was an uneven number of players Starick also combined with Ian Scott (26) for third place.
The Stockdale and Leggo nearest-the-pin on the fourth went to Peter Clowes, Mark Starick on the seventh, Ross Martin the 12th and John Fisher was nearest on the 13th and he also picked up the pro pin drachma on the 18th.
The best of the ladies’ pairing were Irene Cranston and Davina MacKey who combined brilliantly to amass an impressive total to eclipse all others.
Wednesday’s Old and Flabby Golf (OFG) was a stroke event competing for the delicious Henley Hill Cab Sav. Moss Fuller (21) came in with his best score ever to card 80 off the beater for a very impressive net 59. Scoring was prolific with John Piggott (21) next with 64, Ken Hill (13) 66 and a swish of golfers on 67. These included Kevin Miller (36), Ken Sumsion (27), Graeme Fergus (23), Bob Kennedy (20) and Geoff Whittaker.
Next Saturday sees the annual Greenkeepers Revenge round in the stableford format. There is a suspicion that Ben, the new greenkeeper, might be particularly vengeful.