Secrets of their business success

BUSINESS people in the Casey-Cardinia region have the chance to learn from key local business leaders in a new speaking series launched next month.
For the first time, a consortium of local businesses is sponsoring a unique event in which four chief executive officers from the manufacturing, retail and accounting sectors will be sharing the secrets of their success.
Speaking at the first event will be Silvio Marinelli, co-principal of Casey Cardinia Business of the Year winner Highview Accounting, Terry Steel from Jurgens Caravans, David Murphy from TRJ Engineering and Monique Filer from for kids.
Each CEO will talk for 15 to 20 minutes during which they will outline the key factors that have led to their success in business.
After the presentation, there will be a panel question-and-answer session.
The event has been conceived by local business people Simon Maselli from Metamorph, Ian Ash from OrgMent Business Solutions, Norm Davidson from the Bendigo Bank and Peter Smith from New Era Management, supported by Star News Group and Casey Cardinia Business.
Mr Maselli said the events were designed to enable other CEOs and business leaders learn from those who have succeeded, providing the chance to improve their own business performance.
“Many of the insights provided would demonstrate just how simple actions can lead to dramatic results and how these techniques can be applied to any business, irrespective of size and domain,” he said.
As a further benefit, the event will be run as a not-for-profit, with any surplus funds being donated to the 4Cs Foodback.
The first session will be at the Cardinia Cultural Centre from 6pm to 8pm on Wednesday 18 March, at $25 per head, which will include tea, coffee and biscuits.
Registrations are essential at or attendees can pay on the night, subject to capacity.
For more information, contact Mr Maselli on 0429 377 217.