Bikes not safe in hills

I AM all in favour of bike riding where it reduces our dependency on the use of cars.
However, when it comes to pure exercising, they should be banned from roads where it is unsafe for them to ride.
The roads in the Dandenongs are far too narrow to allow safe bike riding.
The local residents are greatly inconvenienced by the hordes of tourists, in cars, that descend on us on a fine weekend.
Why do we also have to put up with lycra louts who are just here for a bit of exercise?
There are plenty of ways of exercising without placing themselves in danger and making an extreme inconvenience to the people who live here.
To suggest they pay anything for the upkeep of the roads in our area is wrong.
They generally are not residents of our shire, do not pay registration and TAC insurance, and usually ride on roads that are maintained by VicRoads, not the shire.
Because they choose to undertake a dangerous sport, why do the rest of us have to be greatly inconvenienced?
Geoff Champion,
Mount Dandenong.