Pest myna control plan

CARDINIA Shire Council is trialling an Indian myna trapping program to help control the number of the birds in the shire.
The trial program has been introduced in response to community feedback.
Residents can register to participate in the program and book a mini-myna magnet trap during the trial period.
A $100 deposit is payable upon collection of the trap.
Borrowers must sign an agreement to confirm that any birds trapped are captured and euthanised according to humane, RSPCA-endorsed methods.
The trial will run until July next year and, following a review, may become a permanent program.
Indian mynas are an introduced species, and one of the most invasive and aggressive animal species in the world.
They force native birds and small mammals out of their nests and tree hollows, and prey on baby native birds.
By using sticks and rubbish to build nests inside roofs, Indian mynas also create fire hazards.
They scavenge in open bins and spread rubbish, causing public health risks.
Droppings and mites from their nests also contribute to the spread of disease.
To register for the Indian myna trapping program, contact council on 1300 787 624 or