Trail of tension


A PROPOSED mountain bike trail along the Mount Evelyn Aqueduct has ignited old tensions between interest groups and Yarra Ranges Shire.
Mountain bike trail consultancy group, World Trail, has supplied the Yarra Ranges Mountainbikers (YRMTB) and the Mount Evelyn Environment Protection and Progress Association (MEEPPA) with a proposal for a sustainable mountain biking track along the Mount Evelyn Aqueduct Walking Trail at the behest of the council.
The building of the trail has been a hotly contested issue between YRMB and MEEPPA since the closure of unathorised paths in the area in 2012.
The proposal comes after the groups decided to compromise over how to best utilise the area to meet the interests of both parties and outlines the specifics of the trail that will range 1800m through the aqueduct.
John Wright, vice-president of YRMTB, was pleased to see more progress in the development of the new trail.
“It looks interesting and World Trail has done a great job with the proposal. But we have a few reservations,” he said.
“About one third of the bike trail is on the walking track.
“That’s a disappointment but the [YRMTB] committee has to get together and discuss it further.”
Not all the stakeholders are happy with the proposal, though.
Tim Heenan, former Yarra Ranges mayor and head of MEEPPA, feels his organisation has been given a raw deal with the proposed trail.
“I am absolutely livid and disappointed that we have been given a final copy of the proposal without the shire taking the time to consult with MEPPA and Friends of the Mount Evelyn Aqueduct (FoMEA),” he said.
Mr Heenan said he worked hard while in council to see mountain bike trails established in the Yarra Ranges.
“We are not against the mountain bikers having a trail in the Aqueduct area,” he said.
“We are against not allowing the community groups to have an input into the proposal.
“Mr Heenan noted no draft copies of the proposal had been supplied to MEEPA or FoMEA for consideration nor had they been consulted on what was to go into the proposal, despite part of the compromise being there would be more meetings and consultations.
“What we have is an opinion by World Trail but not the people who have looked after the trail for 30 years,” he said.
“In the letter of the law when the motion was handed down, there was supposed to be meetings between the groups but they never happened.”
Further meetings are scheduled in the coming months between MEEPA, YRMTB and council to discuss the proposal.
The Mail contacted the Yarra Ranges Council for comment, but did not receive a response by deadline.