Age friendly feedback sought

CARDINIA Shire Council is seeking community feedback on the draft 2015-’19 Age Friendly Strategy.
This draft strategy is part of Cardinia Shire’s commitment to providing opportunities for older people to maintain physical and mental health, feel safe and secure, participate fully in the community and stay connected to others.
Interested residents can view the draft strategy on council’s website or from the civic centre until Friday 3 July.
The draft Age Friendly Strategy includes an action plan that sets out activities and projects to be delivered in partnership over a 12-month period.
Mayor Leticia Wilmot said forecasts showed the number of retirement aged residents in Cardinia Shire would more than double by 2026.
“Achieving good health as we age is important to enjoy a good quality of life and to participate fully in the community,” Cr Wilmot said.
“It can also reduce demands for health and aged care services.”
Submissions close on Friday 3 July.
The draft strategy can be viewed on council’s ‘Have your say’ web page, or at council’s Civic Centre, 20 Siding Avenue, Officer.
For more details, call 1300 787 624.