Education a major driver

EDUCATION drives our economy.
Over the past 20 years, 40 per cent of productivity growth came from the quality and skills of our workforce.
But our economy is changing fast, and our education system must change with it.
We need to help young people get the skills they need for the jobs they want.
That’s why the Andrews Labor Government is starting a discussion about the future of our education system. We need your help to shape the Education State.
We want to hear what’s good and bad about the system and where we need to head.
The dedication of our teachers, principals, parents, carers and students makes our education system strong. But with the accelerating pace of change in our economy, we need to think differently.
For more information on the Education State, or to find details on upcoming consultations across Victoria, visit
We want you to teach us about your child, your classroom, your community.
Show us what’s good and bad about the system and tell us where we need to head.
Shaun Leane,
Member for Eastern Metropolitan Region.