Discover how SES helps you

In a fun, relaxed environment, guests will be able to learn more about their local SES.

EMERALD State Emergency Service (SES) will next month open its doors so the public can see what they do and how they help the community.
On Sunday, 4 October, starting at 10am and running until 2pm, SES members will be on hand to show guests the facilities and answer questions regarding staying safe during storm events.
Throughout the day, there will be demonstrations, including a road-rescue scenario, while the newest SES members will show their newly acquired casualty handling skills.
Emerald SES Deputy Controller, Dale Frankland, encouraged the community to get involved.
“As a thankyou to the great community we reside in, a free barbecue will be provided to keep the hunger pangs away,” he said.
Emerald SES is situated off Old Gembrook Road, on the corner of Sheriffs Road and behind Worrel Reserve.
Emerald CFA has an open day on the same day, so it gives locals a chance to see both emergency service facilities.