DANDENONG RANGES residents are encouraged to help support wildlife, and reduce weeds and fuel loads at a free community event.
On Sunday, 4 October, between 1-4pm at Karwarra Australian Plant Garden, residents can learn about help available to them to reduce weeds and fire risk on their properties.
Residents can request a fuel reduction and fire safety walk on their property, while obtaining information about free tip passes for removal of weeds from Yarra Ranges Council.
Jean Blencowe, from the Kalorama and Mount Dandenong Action Group, and Kalowerama Community Fireguard and Weed Reduction Group, encouraged the community to support this initiative.
“This KalRedy project is recognised as one of the first of its type in our area where federal funding will assist with planning for both fire safety and weed reduction on all land tenures surrounding our homes,” she said.
Chris Morgan, from Thompson’s Road Area Community Fireguard and Landcare Group, explained the event’s importance.
“In our area on the north west face of Mount Dandenong, we are surrounded by national parks,” she said
“Parks Victoria, Yarra Ranges Council and local environmental groups have done a huge amount of work on the public land over many years.
“Now residents have the opportunity to tap into much-needed support to complement this work on their own properties, roadsides and reserves.”
Karwarra Australian Plant Garden is the venue for the event, organised by Yarra Ranges Council, and is located behind the Kalorama Oval.
Entry is via Mount Dandenong Tourist Road, on the right after passing Kalorama Post office.
Drive around the oval to Karwarra’s front gate and car park.
For inquiries, or to book your place, contact Jean on 9728 4431 or email kalredy@outlook.com
More information is available at www.kamdags.wordpress.com.