FROM Sunday 3 to Sunday 10 July is National Aboriginal and Islanders Day Observance Committee week or NAIDOC week.
NAIDOC Week celebrates the achievements, history and culture of our nation’s first peoples through a week of activities, learning experiences and performances.
The week is designed for all people to gain a better understanding and appreciation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture.
Not just celebrated in Indigenous communities, NAIDOC week has been picked up by communities all over the country.
Both Lilydale and Ferntree Gully will have free NAIDOC week ceremonies that explore Indigenous cultures of the area.
The Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Service will be hosting a morning tea at their centre on Swansea Road.
The service will include master of ceremonies Tammy Anderson, a Welcome to Country by Julie Kitto, flag raising by Uncle Henry Atkinson and Smoking Ceremony by Ralph Hume.
There will also be didgeridoo playing, Indigenous tucker and a possum skin healing cloak.
The morning tea will begin at 10am on Wednesday 6 July and all are welcome to attend.
The NAIDOC week celebrations in Ferntree Gully will take place at the Community Arts Centre and Library, at 1010 Burwood Highway, Ferntree Gully.
Running from 11am on Thursday 7 July, these celebrations will include a day of family fun activities, story time, arts and craft and cultural education.
For more information about NAIDOC week or to find more events, visit www.naidoc.org.au.