EASTERN Health staff will give fellow colleagues a run for their money when they take part in this year’s Run Melbourne fundraiser event.
More than 30 staff and seven teams will participate on the day, with each team identifying a project they would like to see initiated at Eastern Health.
These include raising funds which will go towards research grants through to programs which will enhance patient care and comfort.
Eastern Health Foundation director Anne Gribbin urged residents to get behind their local hospital staff and donate to a cause they feel strongly about.
“Each team has carefully identified an area in their workplace that will greatly benefit from extra funds to improve patient comfort, treatment and quality of care,” Ms Gribbin said.
“The staff feel extremely passionate about their chosen projects and there is healthy competition between each team.”
Eastern Health has participating teams from numerous health services, including respiratory services, social work, mental health, critical care and research.
Run Melbourne will be held on Sunday, 24 July at Federation Square.
The annual event is expected to attract more than 20,000 charitable runners, with participants raising money for a cause of their choice.
For more information or to donate visit www.easternhealth.org.au/foundation.