By Derek Schlennstedt
David and Julia Graham are back home in Emerald after spending the last three months volunteering their time with the international medical charity Mercy Ships.
The Medical charity uses hospital ships to deliver free, world-class health care services, capacity building and sustainable development aid to those without access in the developing world.
The pair spent several months on board the world’s largest civilian hospital ship and travelled to southern Africa for a sightseeing tour, before joining the Africa Mercy in Cameroon to serve as dining room assistants.
Their role on board was an important one, but Mrs Graham conceded that they were a ‘very small cog in a big wheel’.
“Although we only spent one week in Cameroon before we sailed, it gave us a glimpse of life in West Africa.
“We were serving the servers, in providing meals and a pleasant and clean environment where the other crew could meet and share a meal.”
“We served behind the scenes in an area which is not high profile, but important nonetheless. The crew needs to be well fed and well-nourished, so they can do their work.”
In August 2017 The Africa Mercy provided almost 3,000 life-changing surgeries on board.
Crews also treated over 20,000 people at a land-based dental clinic and provided health care training to local medical professionals during its 10 months at port.
Ms Graham said that although daunting, the voyage was an eye opening experience.
“It is still important to have adventures at our age,” she said.
“We have seen Africa for the first time. We have been challenged in many ways. We have seen the wonderful works of God in the surgical repairs done for the poor on the ship through the loving volunteers.”
“The volunteer crew are amazing people and have demonstrated their love for God and for others through their service.
“They accepted us and encouraged us in our work and we made new friends from many nations.”
“I feel so privileged to have been given the opportunity to travel to Africa to serve on the Africa Mercy.”
The Grahams are now picking up family life back home where they left it three months ago, and both encouraged other to apply for the Africa Mercy.
“I encourage others to apply to serve in any way they can. I will always treasure this experience.”