Benefits of strength training

Strength training is beneficial not only for young people. (File: 425147)

By Ben Croxford

If we want to get serious about the idea of ‘aging well’, we need to talk about lifting weights and the immense benefits of strength training in keeping us healthy and fit through our older years.

The body of research evidence in support of strength training as we age only continues to grow.

The benefits are numerous and, most importantly, it’s safe and effective for all ages, body types and abilities.

Strength training is now recognised as being able to reduce, delay or reverse many effects of aging and plays a crucial role in our health and well-being.

Lifting weights and going to the gym is definitely not just for young people.

Firstly, resistance exercises importantly increase our muscle mass and improve bone density.

The stronger we get, the more we can do. It doesn’t matter how old you are, research has shown that muscle mass and bone density can be improved at all ages and stages of life.

Physiotherapists, like myself, are constantly prescribing strengthening exercises to treat a multitude of musculoskeletal disorders, such as back pain and osteoarthritis.

In fact, the research in this space is so strong that strength training is considered one of the most important treatments for minimising the impact of osteoarthritis and preventing or delaying

the need for drastic joint replacement surgeries.

We know that getting strong will also significantly reduce the risk of falls and other injuries by improving our balance and ability to steady ourselves in unstable environments.

Strength training can also improve our metabolism, help us to lose weight and play an important part in managing chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

It’s always best to consult with a professional before starting a strength training program to make sure it’s appropriate, safe and targeting the specific needs of your own health


So, go out there and get strong.

You have everything to gain.