Female Sporting Leaders Program returns

Knox City Council 278875_04

A program for young sporting leaders and personal development, ran by Knox City Council, is returning on Tuesday 27 June 2023.

To attend, clubs are asked to nominate up to two members detailing why they believe they should attend the workshop(there is no pre-requisite for participants to be in an existing leadership role – e.g. captain),” Knox City Council said.

“Individuals can also nominate a young person, so long as they are involved in sport or leisure group in Knox.”

The program, first held in 2019, offers workshops for 14 to 18-year-old female members of Knox sporting clubs and focuses on leadership skills, resilience and the importance of mental health.

“Council’s Leisure Service Officers will then assess nominations and contact the successful participants by 16 May 2023. Up to 16 individuals will be chosen in total.” the council said.

“Nominations close 12 May 2023.”

Visit stickytickets.com.au/m0vn0/young_sporting_leaders_june_2023.aspx