Tag: News
Range of portable pools sold at big online retailers recalled
Décor Innovations has issued a recall of a number of products in its 'Charlie's Pet Pool' range as they do not comply with the...
Snap issue and solve it
Yarra Ranges Council claimed victory in the Inclusive Excellence Award at the Snap Send Solve's 2024 Solver of the Year Awards.
The award is presented...
Survivor recalls Faraday kidnapping
Robyn Howarth the survivor of the infamous Faraday kidnapping, was welcomed by community for her author talk about Life in Faraday at the Pakenham...
Garden group seeks new home
A community gardens cohort has appealed to its wider community in Cockatoo to help them relocate their cherished gardening space.
The Hills Community Gardens...
Hydrant bursts in Tecoma
Residents in parts of Tecoma had their morning disrupted by a drop to their water supply after a fire hydrant was damaged along Sandells...
Grant expo a resounding success
Cardinia Shire Council, in collaboration with the Cardinia Foundation and South East Water, celebrated a successful inaugural Community Grant Expo on Wednesday, 12 February....
Animal Aid welcomes the launch of Victoria’s Cat Management Strategy
The Victorian Government’s 10-year Cat Management Strategy was launched at the end of January, marking the first time a statewide approach to monitoring our...
Community panel secured, set to inform stormwater decisions
The Stormwater Community Reference Panel (SCRP) was formed without opposition at the Yarra Ranges Council meeting on Tuesday, with all applicants securing a seat...
Ambulances still not hitting 15 minute response target in Yarra Ranges
Ambulance Victoria’s quarterly data shows response times to Code 1 callouts in the Yarra Ranges have increased to an average of 17 minutes and...
Deferred decision from Yarra Ranges Council on kangaroo harvesting stance
Kangaroos were the topic of a lengthy discussion during the Tuesday 11 February Yarra Ranges Council meeting.
During a councillor motion brought by Walling Ward...
Emerald Village Pharmacy employee awarded by peak body
An Emerald Village Pharmacy employee has been recognised for her dedication to supporting and engaging with customers, receiving an award from Independent Pharmacies Australia...
Total fire ban declared for Thursday 13 February
A total fire ban has been declared for Thursday 13 February, alongside an extreme fire danger rating in the South West, North Central and...