Tag: Opinion
The benefits of Pilates
Pilates has become hugely popular in recent years – but why do physios, personal trainers and others love Pilates so much?
Let’s understand the basics...
A challenging year for Upwey Men’s Shed
2021 has been another challenging year for many with all the lockdowns and particularly with finding a site and progressing our shed construction. Our...
The importance of making a Will
Making a Will might be something you haven’t given much thought to, but it is one of the most important things we can do...
Council values our history, past, present and future
Yarra Ranges Council draft council plan for 2021-25 titled Safer, Stronger, Together should be adopted later this month.
From a heritage perspective, it is wonderful...
Time of their lives
The 2017 Yarra Ranges Seniors Festival will be holding a Time of Your Life Expo, starting with music and information stalls at Upwey’s Buminja...
Sleeves rolled up for clean-up
CONGRATULATIONS to everyone involved in the community-led storm clean-up campaign this month.
It was wonderful to see the community spirit as residents and community groups...
They’re sew right
LYREBIRD Quilters member Cheryl Meyer from Emerald has proven she has the skills to sew up the competition.
At the recent Victorian Quilters’ Quilt Showcase...
BAI Yan from Belgrave recently took this photo of an ibis in her backyard, which she said was there for some time. “His left...
MAIL reader Vivienne Burrows of Belgrave has submitted this photo of a little natural wonder. She said, “This is a photo taken in our...
Keep writing the wrongs
THE editorial team at the Mail loves to receive and publish letters from its loyal readers because the more voices and opinions that circulate...
Sad month for newspaper industry
COMMENT By Jesse Graham
THIS month is a sad one for the newspaper industry, with Leader Newspapers calling it a day on the Free Press...
MAIL reader Vivienne Burrows from Belgrave captured a welcome visit to the Dandenong Ranges recently. Ms Burrows was excited as a juvenile Satin Bowerbird...