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Bikes not safe in hills

I AM all in favour of bike riding where it reduces our dependency on the use of cars. However, when it comes to pure exercising,...

Metre rule needs more thought

UNFORTUNATELY, Samantha Dunn has not thought out the ‘A metre matters’ very well. What is being proposed will work quite well, where the road has...

Democracy dodged a bullet

WHILE our nation has fought many wars abroad in the name of democracy and liberty, the same zeal for democracy is not always evident...

Just victory

IN RELATION to the article ‘Marching orders for move-on laws’ (Mail, 17 February), the repealing of these oppressive laws will be a just victory...

Victory for free speech

IN RELATION to the article ‘Marching orders for move-on laws’ (Mail, 17 February), the repealing of these oppressive laws will be a just victory...

Thanks so much

I WOULD like to give special thanks to the professional support of Gary Lucas and Stuart Aldridge in real estate, Martine and Wilma from...

Oh dear!

MAYBE because McDonald's in Tecoma attracts ‘riff-raff’ and ‘nitwits’ when opened 24-hours (anytime actually), it is possible that the cars at the units in...

Grateful thanks

I’M SURE I write on behalf of other Kallista folk in thanking so much and giving a big hug to a guy called Mark...

Val’s a psychic

ABOUT three weeks before the last federal election, I wrote a letter to the Mail. I outlined what the Liberal Party would do if...

We can do better

ACCORDING to recent polling it appears that Labor is in a reasonably solid position as we approach the Victorian state election. Denis Napthine and Dan...

Mindset off track

'LIMITED Express' trains from Belgrave to the City (41.3 kilometres) are scheduled to take 65 to 71 minutes. Many inbound passengers are forced to stand...

Step back

COUNCILLORS, like the rest of us mere mortals, have political preferences. I was, however, under the impression that in their privileged role as local government...


Monbulk’s impressive season ends with semifinal defeat

Saturday Pennant – The weather was warm with no wind, perfect for playing bowls. Monbulk 1 played in the semifinal after a week’s delay...