The difference at St Paul’s

St Paul’s is underpinned by a foundation of wellbeing. PICTURE: SUPPLIED

Aside from educating, and doing a sensational job at it, St Paul’s stands for wellbeing.

The wellbeing of all students and all members of the community is why St Paul’s exists. When you enter St Paul’s you can see the focus on wellbeing, you can feel the connection and you can sense that belonging that exists within the beautifully refurbished buildings.

St Paul’s is inclusive, and people from every background are welcome to experience the sense of wellbeing that comes with an education at St Paul’s. As a Catholic school, the values are lived out by all members of the community. It is natural for our school community to demonstrate our values because they come from a common place. The values that form the basis for our learning are: respect, responsibility, justice, courage, wisdom and knowledge.

Our values are pivotal to the life of the school and the community, and are embedded within student support and teaching and learning programs. The outstanding staff model these values and actively look for students demonstrating them.

Student welfare is an integral part of the success and wellbeing of students and as a school, providing a safe, happy, supportive learning environment is of upmost priority for all staff.

There is a school counsellor and a wellbeing team, that includes the Principal so when parents drop their children off, they know they will be ok.

St Paul’s promotes a strong partnership between students, teachers and parents, based on mutual respect and understanding. There is a commitment to child safety and a belief that all children have a right to feel safe and be safe at all times. All staff and volunteers are required to observe child safe standards and expectations for appropriate behaviour towards and in the company of our students.

All prep children are matched with a Grade 6 student as a ‘buddy’ who look out for one another in the playground and spend class time together on occasion. The Buddy Program helps the prep child’s transition into the school environment and benefits the social development of both students.

When you tour St Paul’s you will see a balance of technology, visual arts, performing arts, physical education, chess, gardening, Italian language, structure, discipline and a sense of calm. Students experience all that a balanced education has to offer including the biennial School Musical and Art Show, inter school sport, mindfulness and meditation and focussed literacy and numeracy. Classroom programs are strategically differentiated to ensure every student is working in their ‘point of need’ and they are given the maximum opportunity to achieve positive academic outcomes and be a successful learner.

The most important thing to remember is that an education at St Paul’s is underpinned by a foundation of Wellbeing. St Paul’s deliver the curriculum, but at St Paul’s they teach every child. Call the office on 97567201 for your personal tour today.